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  Total Quality in LASIK (1995)
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LASIK, Quality Medicine

Deutsch | Espaņol



9.1 Frequently Used Abbreviations

BCV Best Corrected Vision
BCVA Best Corrected Visual Acuity
ICL Intra Corneal Lens
IOL Intra Ocular Lens
LASIK LAser (assisted) InSitu Keratomileusis
PRK PhotoRefractive Keratectomy
RK Radial Keratotomy
UCV UnCorrected Vision
UCVA UnCorrected Visual Acuity

TQM Total Quality Management
SPC Statistical Process Control
9.2 Figures
Figure 1: Conceptual Ideas of Correcting Vision 12
Figure 2: Classification of Refractive Surgical Techniques 16
Figure 3: Definition of Keratomileusis 20
Figure 4: Laser Insitu Keratomileusis LASIK 25
Figure 5: RK/PRK Limitations 27
Figure 6: LASIK's Characteristics 28
Figure 7: The Deming Cycle 33
Figure 8: The Nature of Service 43
Figure 9: Trichotomy of Service Quality by Donabedian 44
Figure 10: The Model of Grönroos 45
Figure 11: Potential Quality in the Model of Donabedian 48
Figure 12: Further Modification Towards the Model of Meyer 49
Figure 13: The Complete Model of Meyer 50
Figure 14: Three Types of Describing Different Quality Levels 55
Figure 15: Type of Patients 62
Figure 16: Motivation Patterns for Choosing Refractive Surgery 63
Figure 17: Functions of Refractive Surgery 68
Figure 18: Requirements for Refractive Surgery 70
Figure 19: Magnification and Success of Accommodation 72
Figure 20: Treated Zone and Spherical Zone 73
Figure 21: Largest Diameter of Treated Zone 75
Figure 22: Myopic Offset in Relation to Age 78
Figure 23:Myopic Offset for Presbyopia 78
Figure 24: Matchment Scheme for High Myopia 79
Figure 25: Integral Quality Indicators 80
Figure 26: Specific Quality Indicators 81
Figure 27: Satisfaction of Having Undergone Surgery 82
Figure 28: Auto-Selection of Patient 85
Figure 29: Common Presurgical Selection 86
Figure 30: Best Presurgical Selection 87
Figure 31: Calling for an Appointment 89
Figure 32: Typical Tayloristic Organisation of Presurgical Examination 91
Figure 33 : Best Selection Process in Group/line Organisation 92
Figure 34: Rules for Successful In Situ Keratomileusis 95
Figure 35: Detailed Steps at Surgery 98
Figure 36: Postsurgical Controls 99
Figure 37: Experienced Process Quality 101
Figure 38: Requirements of a Perfect Microkeratome 102
Figure 39: Potentials of Laser Approaches 104
Figure 40: Notation for Refractive Surgery 104
Figure 41: Requirments on Excimer Lasers 106
Figure 42: Organisation of Staff 108
Figure 43: Learning Curve in LASIK Surgery 110
Figure 44: Interpretation of Learning Curve in LASIK 112
Figure 45: Teaching Scheme for Lasik Surgery 113
Figure 46: Requirements of a Best Practise Pattern 114
Figure 47: Best Practise Pattern in LASIK 115


9.3 Literature


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