You wear glasses or contactlenses and you want to to correct your myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism with excimer-laser (e.g. Lasik) in order to be independent of glasses.
CLARIO supports your patients interests by quick, detailed and indepent education.
Patient Empowerment is our goal.
Can you answer the following questions?
- At the end can in my situation the benefits of having undergone surgery overlast glasses or contactlenses?
- What method like Lasik or PRK suits best for my miopia, hyperopia or astigmatism?
- How can I minimize risks (e.g. ophthalmologist)?
- What Eye Center is able to deliver the best quality of vision in my condition?
We want that you choose an eye clinic center for your correction taking into account the newest international learning curves of refractive surgery - Lasik, PRK, IOL, CLE - and that you will not become a second guinea pig of already known experiences.
We accompany you as a consultant during the whole process from decision taking until the final check up after surgery. |
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News in Refractive Surgery
- 11. 11. 06: Dynamic aberration
- 11. 11. 06: Femto-Laser
Zeiss VisuMax
- Stiftung Warentest
CLARIO in the Press
- Facts
- Focus
- Freundin
- Funkuhr
- My Life
- Berliner Zeitung
- MedizinOnline
Today's Methods of Refractive Surgery:
- Lasik with/without "Femto"
- PRK as (C-) PRK, Lasek or Epi-Lasik
- IOL such as Artisan, Verisyse or ICL
- CLE (Clear Lens Exchange)
Ablation profils for excimer laser with LASIK and PRK:
- spherical (nicht recomendable)
- aspherical, standardized waverfront
- total wavefront
- corneal wavefront
With Excimer-Laser-Ablations by
- Schwind Esiris (ORK-CAM)
- Visx Star S4 (Custom View) with Irisrecognition
- Wavelight Concerto or
- Zeiss Mel 80